My escape story

Activity 3 :

This story takes place over 16 years ago, the foundations of this story impacted my life, and made me the person who I am today. This story takes place in Guyana where my parents owned a gas station, where I was born, and the country that I had to flee to survive. My mother and father operated a gas station called Shell, and it was the best running in all the nation. They won many awards, prizes, provided jobs for many people, and helped Guyana’s economy rise. We now skip to January 26, 2001 when I was born in a cursed and corrupt land. I grew up with the best clothing, toys, and got anything I wanted. I was truly living the life any kid would wish for, but soon after my whole life changed. Now let’s go back to 16 year ago where the story takes it toll. Our gas station, and house were robbed countless time, and this caused my parents, and me to live in fear because we did not know if we were going to survive. I have heard others say when you become rich many wish death, and evil among you. Now living through this experience made me believe that not everybody wants to see you succeed in life including family, and friends. They will do anything to take you down, and your enemies triumph when they see you fail. At a young age I do not remember all of my emotion, and thoughts that I experienced through these robberies as I between the ages of a baby to five years old. Don’t worry I will share some of the experience that my parents told me, and the ones that I will always remember till this day because no matter what age you are, you will remember things that haunt you till this day. As the gas station kept getting robbed my parents would lose thousands of dollars, electronic equipments, food supplies they sold, and gas. Our gas station was trashed as the place was turned inside out. The robbers would leave notes threatening my parents that they would kidnap me, so my parents had to send guards to school to watch over me. At home we also had guards to watch over our house as we slept or if we were out, but they kept getting overpowered by the robber, and our houses would get looted, and trashed. Then one day my mom, and I were walking home alone as my dad was closing the gas station, and then my worst nightmare would come to reality. As we entered the gates to our house we saw the guard on the ground tied up, and we tried to run, but we were surrounded by bandits. They grabbed me as my mom yelled for help, but nobody dared to come out of their house. One of the mask bandits help a gun at my head, and told my mother to go get money or else he would pull the trigger. As my mom was going to get the money we heard, and saw our neighbors running in our direction. They robbers got scared, and ran away leaving me with a experience I would never forget. After this my parents decided that we should leave Guyana we booked our flight, and escaped to a country that would change my life, and help me experience what God has in-store for me. We left our gas station, our family, friends, our richness, identity and came to a new country for security, and for a bright future for me. Till this day knowing what I have experienced I always wondered and thought the following questions; My parents have helped many people such as police officers, neighbors, family members, and friends yet the turn their back on us and rob my parents. How come the police station find no evidence of crime? Why were we attacked? Why was Guyana so corrupted? Why would people we cherish rob us even though we helped them? Then in the midst of my thoughts I would realize my life in Canada has changed me for the better as I can live a peaceful life, have many friends, can sleep at peace, can walk the streets knowing I am safe, can play many sports such as rep basketball, a chance to go to university, and the most important one accomplishing my dreams. This is all nice, but I left the life I loved, and the life I now see others live. I used to be that kid who would get the best toys, clothing, and the kid who would live a fantasy life in reality. Now I am that kid who has to witness others live his life as he see his own parents struggle to provide for him. This may be the life I live now, but coming to Canada at the age of 5, and experiencing what I have gone through made me become more mature, and made me understand the struggles, and pain of others in the world. I could be here complaining, but without God all the things I have now in Canada that I take for granted would not be there in Guyana. I believe God brought me to Canada for a reason. I am still searching for it, but he wants me to use my past as the pathway to achieve, and gain what he has in-store for me. I conclude with this, I have seen the struggle from a young age, and realized I am not the same as the kids my age. I believe I have to work harder than the rest, because I have something to prove to myself, and to my future generation. Everyday I wake up, and realize that my parents have sacrificed so much just to make my dreams, and wishes come through. I can not let the world get ahead of me, or let others climb above me. I must grind, and work hard so I can give back to my parents, and give my kids the life that was stolen from me.

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