The Eighth Of September by Pablo Neruda

  1. The themes I found in this poem depends on how you read it and your interpretations on the words itself.
  • End of the World – This can be a theme in the poem because the poet express words and displays images of removal. “We trembled.” “our bodies grew.” “Someone, with no face as yet, waited for us there.” These words display that the world may come to an end and Jesus or God awaits to guides us into heaven.. This poem represents how we act, what we will see, and what awaits for us into the time of passing.
  • Love – Love is displayed in this poem because the words can be displayed as one starting a new relationship or falling in  love with someone you desire. It represents the beat of the heart, the butterflies in the heart, and the words to express it. “The day our bodies grew.” “Lifted us up to a kiss.”

2. I agree with this poem in the both ways that I explained it in the first question (end of the world or love) because when you are in a relationship and when the world is ending you have the same feeling or despair, sadness, heart beating, fears worries, joy and happiness. The words display an image that can represent our emotions and actions in the time of need in which we declare our relationships and the end of time. Your body will grow for happiness or sadness, the door that opens by someone represents God or your lover. The day you witness love or begin to love brings immense waves in emotion and declaration and in such the same as the end of the world.

3. My favorite lines are the following ;

“A strange door opened, between us, and someone, with no face as yet, waited for us there.”  This is one of my favorite line because it represents that God is awaiting for us at the end of the time and he has kept his covenant with us. He awaits to show us love, he awaits to guide us to heaven and awaits to forgive our sins for all that we have done in the past. It represents the love that is distinguish between a father and their child into us and God.

“The day our bodies grew stretched out to Earth’s limits, orbited there, melded there to one globe of wax, or a meteor’s flame.” I like this line in the poem because it represents the day you begin to love/begin to date. “Your bodies begin to stretch as wide as the world limits.” Represents the way your love stretches wide for another, the way your forgiveness stretches wide, and the way you stretch/ go beyond your limits for your loved one in the actions you will do. Flames will come along in the relationship because there will be ups and downs. There will be troubles and there will be things you will have to do to fix them.

4. The poem is saying/conveying that love and the end of the world is the same in the way they portrays our emotions and actions. Despair will fall upon us in our relationships we build and live everyday. Despair will eventually fall upon us in the times of the end because of all our sins. We will see the end of the world as it destroys and  the world we love. God will save us as we call upon him and realize he is the only thing in this world that matters. The world will shake when it ends, and it will shake when you fall in love both in your hearts and in the physical.

5. Yes I can relate to the poem in the perspective of the world ending. As a religious Christian I truly believe that God will come back, the world will shake, it water’s will rise, it’s fire will blaze and he will open the door for us. That day the dead will raise, the living will see and all will be judge. We will not see his face, but he will see ours. His love will be strong to take us to heaven. Once that day comes everything we know will change for the better as peace will be with us for eternal life.

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