Between Two Cultures

The two cultures I’m caught between are my Guyanese roots, and my Canadian uprising. Coming to Canada at the age of 5, and living with my parents who are also torn between two cultures. Has both a positive, and negative experience on my life. The Canadian lifestyle I grew up in had me witness many…

My escape story

Activity 3 : This story takes place over 16 years ago, the foundations of this story impacted my life, and made me the person who I am today. This story takes place in Guyana where my parents owned a gas station, where I was born, and the country that I had to flee to survive….

Anais Granofsky’s Struggle Between Two World

Anais Granofsky had a rough childhood as she lived between wealth, poverty, dependence and acceptance of different believes and faiths. Her struggle to find her true identity was displayed with an absent father who chased region, a mother who lived in poverty struggling to provide, and grandparents who provide a life that many wish to…

LeBron James

LeBron is the best basketball player to step foot on the earth. He has dominated for the last decade leading many teams to the finals. Yes he may not of won all but he dominates against whoever he plays against. He is an all around player scoring, passing, defending and making other players better every…

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton