Saddest Poem by Pablo Neruda

  1. One of the themes in this poem is the emptiness that loves leaves an individual after a heartbreak. As we read we can hear the poet express emotional factors as he is broken to the bones, broken to give up and broken to regret. Emptiness is within his words and hearts as he displays the the following lines ” my soul is lost without her. ” ” The night is full of stars and she is not with me. ” He does not know how to move on from this heartbreak, he does not know how to express his love for her, and he does not know how to linger to her for one last time. His world is lost without this girl as another guy will lay with her, marry her and have a future with her. Another theme in this poem is giving up. Both of these themes go hand and hand but I believe giving up on life due to the fact of this girl is terrible. ” My soul is lost without her.” People these days after a break up give up on life and let the break up ruin their relationship with others, and their personal life (job,sports etc). They believe there will be no more love, no more girls, no more guys and no more happiness. Do not let love dictate your future after a break up.

2. I disagree with this poem because why would you write a poem about a heartbreak? With all the free time you have why would this be the first thing you do? Instead of being sad and emotional you should accept what has happened and try to improve your life and find another person. Break ups build character and it leads to a better future in not surrendering, giving up on life, and pushing for the stars. These factors will help you in finding a better girl/guy to spend your life with. Do not make yourself feel guilty and sad by writing down poems that will cause negativity. Move on with your life because God has better people in store for you. I do not like when people write stories about how their soul is lost without another person because your soul comes from God. Do not let another person break you soul as it is the most important thing in your spiritual and physical life.

3. “My soul is lost without her. ” This is one of my favorite quotes because it represents the surrendering of ones soul to the wrong person. When your soul is broken because of people you begin to understand that the next time you have an encounter you must be more cautious in trusting others, and letting them in your life. Once your soul is gone all your life is gone because the soul holds all your believes, faith, God, and relationships you hold with others. I believe the soul can only leave you when you die, when you lose your sanity, and when you turn away from God. Your soul is definitely not lost after a break up because God has better doors ahead of you, and you are still breathing after this horrific incident. ” She loved me, sometimes I loved her.” I love this line because it represents how idiotic this guy really sounds. You are sad she left you but yet you only loved her sometimes. Are you serious? People these days do not love their partner they just want them for sex, or they date the person due to wealth. Yet when the person leaves their lives they become all sad, all emotional just to realize it was their fault the whole time. Love is not one way!

4. The poem is trying to display that after a break up one is lost, one is in hunger for love and one resents what they have done to let this happen. We can not go back and change time so we must make our love feel accepted towards our partners. Once we fail this rule and the break up takes place we begin to regret, we begin to give up, and we begin to lose focus on the God blessed life we are given. We are distracted and instead of moving on with our work, hobbies, friends, family and God we use the guilt/emotional factors to keep the negativity within our hearts and minds. We must appreciate people when they are in our lives because when they leave us we start to want them more, and we start to realize all the wrongs we have done. Don’t be afraid to show love to your partner because if you follow pride, and masculinity the relationship will be over real quick.

5. I have had a personal experience with a break up through one of my best friends. We worked hard to help him date his crush, but soon after they broke up he became a lost man on a deserted island. He let this girl steal his heart/soul and he began to act differently. He made poems about her, he wrote stories about her which is kinda creepy. This got so worse that he began to do bad in school, get depression, blame friends and blame himself. He became a alcoholic, and even worse he became somebody he was not. However, my friends and I worked hard to change those factors through the following; Giving him a motivation talk on God and life. Showing him there are many girls in the world, love is not only in high school but everywhere. Over time he became himself because he had friends to help him get past his troubles.

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